Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Future of Humanity - Educating Our Children

Recognized divisions in the life cycle are sometimes known as age grades and very often important ceremonies mark the transition from one age grade to the next. The rites that mark the passage from being seen as a child to being seen as a young man or woman have been investigated by anthropologists in many societies. Such rites are very visible and often marked by physical scarring or the subsequent wearing of different clothes. In this way all will know just how anyone may be expected to behave and how in turn they should behave towards those they meet. In our own society there is much difficulty in knowing when transitions from one age grade to the next do occur.
The future opportunities in life, or in the terms used here, the possible pathways through the social structure open to an individual, are largely determined by the nature of the social positions into which he is put willy-nilly. In other words the roles that he may achieve are in many cases constrained by his roles. In our society, though this is perhaps not so true of socialist societies, boys have more chance of becoming engineers or bus drivers than do girls, who in their turn are more likely to work as librarians or typists. There is also a greater probability that children born into the middle class will achieve an occupation of higher status than boys and girls of working-class parents. Basically these two examples draw our attention to the manner in which the social structure may be seen as providing tracks or pathways through life from which it is very difficult, though not impossible, to deviate.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Commencement Day at CLIP - Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto

Clip – Colégio Luso Internacional do Porto (Oporto International School) In the new building in Foz

In the newspapers in 1987 we could read:
There is a new School in Porto that plans to assign two academic degrees - a lack in Portugal: the International Bacheloreat and the International Certificate of Education. The College is operating since the beginning of the school year that will end now.
At present, the College Luso International Port (North) is installed temporarily in Quinta do Mirante which is located in Largo Megide Canelas, Vila de Gaia at Quinta do Mirante. The final installation of the College is planned to be in a property that formerly hosted CIMPOR located on the promenade of the Porto – Douro river, more precisely in the angle formed by Dom Pedro V Street and Restauração.
Final negotiations are underway for the purchase of the property, which is degraded. Is expected to recover and adapt the old building to the needs of the College.
The didactic project of the College done by Artur Victoria indicates the full teaching at all levels of education, since primary to secondary school and eventually, in a middle term future to its own University.
The school program for an Worldwide equivalent studies degree is established by the Association Bacheloreat - an international organization created 15 years ago in Geneva, Switzerland, to establish an educational curriculum that avoids the problem of equivalence between countries in education, from primary to university placement.
Thus, schools that teach the curriculum of the Association Bacheloreat is mainly children and young people, children, technicians, businessmen and migrants, who are regularly transferred country to country by its professional commitments. Moreover, these schools are also frequented by students, which desire or intend to join foreign colleges.
The degree Bacheloreat International that the International College of the North award represents our 12th year, allowing access to the University. and is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture Portuguese since January 86.
For the other degree that the College will assign - International Certificate of Education - equate it to our 9 th year, but has not yet been established by the Association Bacheloreat, which should happen before the school year 88/89.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Old times ...

In a simple cerimony, every year Ruben Cabral delivered the Pupils diplomas at CLIP - Oporto International School.In the picture is Filipe Candeias, the CLIP Dean Doctor Ruben Cabral, Mrs Lidya Silva and Mr. Fritz Spauen.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

CLIP - Colégio Luso International Port - initial building location - change of plans

This project has been frustrated by the decision of President of the Junta de Freguesia de Massarelos Pedro Vinha Costa arguing that it would collide with an illegal occupation of the building by the residents' committee. It was then decided to move to the building of the STCP in Castelo do Queijo

CLIP - Colégio Luso International Port - had as its initial building in the abandoned of the fish warehouse.

CLIP - Colégio Luso International Port - had as its initial building in the abandoned of the fish warehouse. It would be built in Massarelos near of Douro river a set of buildings with classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, houses for teachers. It was part of the model a cultural center and library - Artur Victoria asked for a model of the premises.